Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hi there and Welcome to our Blog!

I am excited to begin sharing food tips and ideas with you! Let me begin by telling you a little bit about our book, Squeaky Gourmet.
Jamie and I met when she hired me as a trainer to help her reach a higher level of health and fitness. During that time Jamie shared with me some fantastic recipes that she herself was creating in order to remain focused on her goals as well as interest her family and friends in eating healthy BUT great flavored foods.
Since both Jamie and I have been over weight you can trust these recipes do come from true foodies. I love my candy corn and full fat cheesecake and of course my love for white frosting in unprecedented. I KNOW how to be fat ;)
However, you can't eat those foods every day and remain healthy, can you? Nope. So there has to be an alternative and Jamie and I found it and are sharing it with the world with Squeaky Gourmet.

What is being said about the book:
"Just received my copy of Squeaky Gourmet and am thrilled! Clean, crisp, easy to follow. Great writeups on eating healthy, and not the same old boring recipes. They are quick, easy and use ingredients we tend to forget about; quinoa, sweet potatoes, using meats from chicken to wild game. Also gives ideas for side dishes and leftovers. It is a full-size book, so it's not going to get lost in a drawer. The nutritional values for each recipe are very nice, takes out the guesswork, and helps to show that eating tastefully, does not have to ruin a days work of so called dieting. Everyone on my Christmas list is getting one this year! "

In our first week on the shelves we hit in the top 100 Hot New Releases in 2 categories on Amazon.com. During this same time we have almost sold out; Squeaky Gourmet is flying off the shelves!

So, let us share some food and some laughs and some diet health with you in our blog. Check out our book and buy 10 or 15 for your friends! ;)

"Squeaky Gourmet is a colorful and well written cookbook intended to educate and encourage the reader towards a healthy diet. Food knowledge coupled with exciting recipes makes this book a must have for anyone on any fitness level. There is no need for boredom in the kitchen or dead taste buds in order to eat healthy. Squeaky Gourmet offers delicious recipes for every meal, snack or even office party. Author Maureen Jeanson holds certifications in fitness from ACSM, ISSA and the US Navy. Jamie Wilson offers her experience in the struggle with being healthy and NOT sacrificing flavor and comfort at the same time. Together they offer you over 140 pages of wellness education, tasty food ideas and the exact steps you can take to achieve your own fitness goals."

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